Roger Goodell. A man who believes in rehabilitation. A true American hero out for unconditional justice. I mean in 2008 he gave a proven menace in Adam "Pac Man" Jones a what seemed to be 52nd second chance at redemption. Chris Henry, Ricky Williams, Plaxico Burress, Matt Jones, Marshawn Lynch, and Tank Johnson all served suspensions after more than one brush with the law or violation of league policy. Now it's Michael Vick's chance at that Barack Obama type Change. This is a man who has served almost 2 years in prison, lost millions of dollars, inherited a few million additional critics, and as an added Christmas bonus, has gained advocacy from T.O. Is that not enough punishment? According to Roger, "NOPE." Vick needs more. Mr. Goodell, whose responsibilities in the past year have mirrored that of an adolescent's struggling parent (or the Secret Service and the Bush girls), has decided to add additional sanctions. Vick, if he is lucky, could begin playing football sometime in October. WOW. So now his sentence of 23 months has been extended to 25 months thanks to Roger, or as I like to call him-The Warden. It is disgusting to see this rich white man sit on his Mount Olympus of privilege and righteousness ruling with an iron fist, begging a tap out from those who have already witnessed the strong arm of the law. Or we can think about it like true scholars and delve just a little bit deeper. Let's get our feet wet and as the water begins to cool our steaming irrational body temperatures, forcing us to wade waist deep, let us cool off and (gulp) think....
Michael Vick committed a felony. Felonies include crimes like aggravated assault, burglary, arson, murder, and rape. Felons are those who have been convicted of committing a felony-which makes Mike Vick a FELON. Now, there are a few politicians who haven't been convicted but who are clearly felons as well as a few Blacks and Latinos who are considered felons but haven't committed a crime at all (but that's for another blog). In regards to Mike Vick and Warden Goodell, I'll continue. I have a couple of cousins who are felons and even with successfully completing a 12 step program, receiving a purple heart, and/or writing a bestselling self-help book post incarceration, would still be hard pressed to get a job at Safeway, unless of course they brought major business to the area market. Similarly, if they could toss a football,well, they could get a job in the NFL-one of the highest paying businesses in the US. IF my cousins happened to get a job at Safeway, they sure the hell couldn't miss two years of work to serve a jail sentence and still come back to an interview, let alone a job. As a public we have become too comfortable letting athletes amongst other big names, 2 step, cupid shuffle, and south side glide pass punishment due to the positions they hold. Roger Goodell is the NFL commissioner. He is running a business and has attempted to find ways to hold his employees accountable while maximizing league profit. Before asking "how could he give Mike Vick more?" ask, "Why does he even need to give Vick anything?" All Roger should be cutting is checks not deals similar to a sketchy DA. He is doing Mike Vick and his fans a favor by even sitting down, and asking Mike if he is thirsty before entertaining a conversation.This man is not a CO (corrections officer) although he rules and regulates; not a Parent although he disciplines; not a Counselor although he embraces; and he is not a Custodian although he is constantly cleaning up after other people's messes. Ethically he'd be completely justified in letting Vick head up North to the Canadas. Or closing the Venetian blinds, hiding behind his desk and turning his ringer off while Vick sits on the porch, attempting to look through the windows and begging for a second chance, screaming "Rog, I know you're in there, I'm sorry!" The punishment handed by Roger is neither too stiff (Vick Lovers) or too light (Vick Haters). After all, imagine if he didn't get reinstated, Vick fans. Or imagine if he served 30 days in jail and received no additional punishment from the league, Vick haters! The punishment is just right. The man committed a crime, and he is currently serving his time. I believe he learned his lesson and is grateful for his current position. If you don't believe me, then ask Michael Vick, Coors Light, United Way, and The Law Books. He is paying the debt, so stop begging for more as he has served his time as specified by law (and now his employer) and stop picketing for less as Mike Vick still has a chance at employment.